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Regulator Service & Repair

If you would like to change out any of your rubber hoses for Miflex hoses we can do that for no labor charge if you purchase the hoses from us at the time of servicing. We are a Miflex dealer and stock most sizes and colors of Miflex hoses.

Call us for instructions on sending us your regulator for service.

Prices subject to change without notice. Atomic parts kits are current as of April 2024.

Service Labor Prices

Prices are for labor only and priced per stage. Parts kits additional.

First Stage Service


Second Stage Service


Environmental Chamber Service. Includes fill.


Additional Labor If Required (per hour)


Parts Kits

Our parts kits vary in price based on the manufacturer.

Atomic Aquatics First Stage Overhaul Kit


Atomic Aquatics Second Stage Overhaul Kit


Atomic Aquatics SS1 Overhaul Kit


Atomic Aquatics Swivel Hose Overhaul Kit


You can mail your unit to us or drop it off at the dive shop. Better yet, come dive with us then leave your regulators with us for servicing. We will ship them back to you when they are completed. Our prices are very competitive and you will be very satisfied with our service.

More Information About Regulator Service and Repair

If your regulator falls out of the tank rack onto the deck, this can happen due to not being properly secured with either a bungee or fully in the rack, or with internal weight BCDs the forward center of gravity causes them to fall forward if left unattended in rough seas. The regulator may have hidden damage that could cause a serious failure later. The fall sometimes damages the threads where the yoke retainer is mounted onto the regulator first stage. Sometimes the threads are stripped, or the opening is out of round due to the fall. The damage may not be apparent until you bring it in for service and we have difficulty disassembling it, or can't reassemble it due to the bent or damaged parts.

Stay Safe &

Have Your Regulator Serviced Today!

Call or email the Key Largo Dive Center to get additional information.
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