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PADI Wreck Diver Course

PADI Wreck Diver Course at Key Largo Dive Center

Course Fee: $499 for dives and in-water instruction.

Requires separate purchase of PADI Wreck Diver E-Learning.

Whether purpose-sunk as an artificial reef for scuba divers, or lost as the result of an accident, wrecks are fascinating windows to the past. Ships, airplanes and even cars are fascinating to explore and usually teem with aquatic life. Each wreck dive offers a chance for discovery, potentially unlocking a mystery or spying something others have missed. The PADI Wreck Diver Specialty course is popular because it offers rewarding adventures while observing responsible wreck diving practices.

Every wreck is different. During the PADI® Wreck Diver course, you’ll learn how to explore different types of wrecks by investigating their layout, history and hazards, and practice specialized wreck diving skills.

If you’re at least 15 years old and have earned a PADI Adventure Diver certification or higher, you can enroll in the Wreck Diver Specialty course.

Take This Course If You Want to:

  • Explore inside wrecks
  • See fascinating artifacts
  • Learn special finning techniques

Learn How to:

  • Survey a wreck
  • Use lines and reels
  • Avoid common problems

During four dives with your instructor, you’ll survey and map a wreck, practice special finning techniques and may use penetration lines.

  • Prerequisites: Because the wrecks we use for training at Key Largo Dive Center are at around 100′ deep we require Wreck Diver students to have the following certifications: Advanced Open Water, Deep Diver, and Nitrox Diver. These courses may be taken concurrently with the Wreck Diver course at an additional cost.
  • Total time commitment: 2-3 days for the Wreck Diver Course (dives must be completed over a minimum of two days).
  • Minimum age: 15 years or older

This course requires both knowledge development (E-learning) and inwater training for certification.

In addition to the scuba gear required for the Advanced Open Water Diver course, during this course you will use and must have the following equipment items. These items are available as the discounted KLDC Wreck Diver Gear Package (ask for details):

  • Dive lights (Primary & Secondary lights).
  • Slate and underwater compass for mapping and navigation
  • Line and reel (for practicing wreck penetration)
  • Wreck specific dive guide cards for the wrecks we will be diving.
  • Other equipment appropriate for wreck diving in your area (ask your instructor).

The Key Largo Dive Center Wreck Diver Course includes:

  • 4 open water wreck dives over two days.
  • In-water instruction.
  • You must purchase and complete the PADI E-Learning separately and the E-Learning cost is not included in the course fee. E-Learning must be successfully completed prior to start of in-water training.
  • An Enriched Air Nitrox certification can help you spend more time diving inside wrecks and the Peak Performance Buoyancy course can help you avoid ruining the visibility and making unnecessary wreck contact. Each PADI Specialty you complete gets you one step closer to becoming an elite Master Scuba Diver™.

Participants must complete the PADI Diver Medical form and meet PADI’s diver medical standards, PADI Liability & Release Waiver, and the KLDC Liability & Release Waiver.

key largo dive center

PADI Wreck Diver Course

Interested in completing this course? Reach out to us below!
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